
Botox has long become an excellent ally in the field of aesthetic medicine. It was used before for bruxism or strabismus treatments, but its application to ailments such as excessive sweating or its wide spectrum in aesthetics have made it essential.

In cosmetics, botulin toxin acts effectively on dynamic and expression wrinkles, which are those that become evident when muscles contract and are located in crow’s feet, between the eyebrows or on the forehead for ฉีด โบ ท็ อก แล้ว ยิ้ม เบี้ยว.

It is a quick and painless procedure. But that must be carried out by specialized doctors who know in which points it is necessary to place it to achieve the paralyzing effect of the specific muscles; otherwise it may result in an unnatural expression or an uneven effect on both sides of the face.

How long do the effects last?

It is clear that not all patients react in the same way to the use of Botox. Some people, for example, have more marked expression wrinkles and they are more intense to be treated. However, after a period of 4 to 6 months the validity of its action decreases. This duration is variable, depending above all on the thickness of the skin (in men it lasts less than in women), the power of the muscle, the number of gestures that each person makes and if the wrinkles are more or less deep.

Sometimes the patient notices that the effect has ended earlier, because their muscle intensity is more powerful or because they have a high metabolism, like athletes, they eliminate it from the body before.

It has also been recorded that in people with a diet low in zinc and protein, such as vegans, the effect of Botox is less over time. The same happens with people over 65, because flaccidity increases and it is more difficult to correct expression wrinkles.

It is very important to carry out the booster doses or dependent doses if we want to maintain the effect for a longer time, since it is easier to act by slightly overlapping the injections.

The area where it is applied must be taken into account. Differences in results and duration can also be obtained with respect to other areas of the same patient: it is not the same to treat short muscles such as those that move the eyebrows than to work on longer and more complex muscles, such as those located in crow’s feet.

In addition, it has been shown that the concomitant use of some drugs (such as some antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants and antidepressants) can decrease the effectiveness and duration of the toxin.

In any case, the application maintained on a regular basis, causes the duration of the desired effect to gradually prolong. As the applications are repeated, as the muscle weakens from lack of use, the effects last longer and longer.

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